Friday, January 29, 2010

Post Elections

Now back in Colombo since Wednesday evening and thinking of report writing and remaining in the hotel to aid recovery. Rumour and counter rumour prevails in the aftermath of the election results. I am still asked not to make public comments until CMEV has reached a clear position. Suffice to say there is a lot of thinking to be done and already analysis and commentary is developing in the restricted space that still exists for open debate.

This morning's papers anounce that the President is going to dissolve Parliament in the hope of getting a 2/3rds majority to bring about constitutional reform, but what constitutional reform. One of the most knowledgeable sources on these constitutional questions is Rohan Edrisinha, Head of the Legal and Constitutional Unit of the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) an here he addresses key concerns in a short video here -

Meanwhile on a more basic note I am in slow recovery from my 'war wound'. I have now checked into the OPD of Durdan's Hospital not far from my hotel in Colombo and am getting painful dressings every 2 days. Sadly was told yesterday that this has to continue for 14 days. Ouch! I wish we had less hair down there!

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